Winter Storm 2015

f6737c9ace30ca076f323a72b25eabf0Everyone one is all abuzz about the possibility of snow, sleet and ice hitting us here in the Upstate of South Carolina tomorrow.  Since I moved here from Chicago I always get a kick out of how everyone down here reacts to these so called ‘winter storms’.  They buy out all the bread and milk, never did know what you would do with that much bread and milk for a one day storm.  Here at Furman University all the student want a snow day so they can play and hurt themselves sliding around in it.

Ferguson, MO

I have been watching the events of Ferguson, MO for over a week now.  I have also been listening to and reading the comments from people about all of these events.  First and foremost, it is tragic that an unarmed young man was shot and killed and my prayers go out to his family.  Was it right or was it wrong?  I have an opinion but it is based on what I read and see on the television and the internet which, as we all know, is not always the best source of the facts.

Do the people of Ferguson, MO have a right to protest?  Simple answer is YES!  Do these people have the right to loot, destroy property or assault the police or others?  NO!  Peaceful protests are a fine line between civility and chaos.  The police have a job to protect life and property as well as allow the ‘peaceful’ protests.  My feeling is that 98% of these protesters are and have been there with peaceful intentions.  Emotions are very high and that makes it very difficult.  It’s the other 2% that concerns me.  These are ‘outsiders’ and others that are just there to cause problems, to cause injury and to destroy property for no other reason then to be ‘thugs’.  These are the people who are causing the aggressive decisions that law enforcement must use when these thugs show up and show out.  They hide within the peaceful protesters making it difficult for police to see and then strike out causing police to react to the protesters as a whole.  As a police officer myself my heart goes out to every law enforcement officer involved in Ferguson, MO.  They are there to protect these people yet they are getting criticized for walking this fine line of chaos while trying to protect themselves from the cowards that hide in the midst of the protesters, their goal, to cause damage and harm.

There is a problem in Ferguson, MO without a doubt, and sadly, it took this tragic incident to set it in motion.  The Ferguson Police Department was overwhelmed, and sadly, out of their league from the start.  The Chief of Police was not prepared for what was getting ready to happen after the shooting occurred.  I could see it from his first press conference.  He was nervous, not comfortable in front of the press and basically not ready for the questions he was asked.  The arrival of the Missouri Highway Patrol was the best move, although late.  Captain Johnson shows great professionalism and confidence from the very moment he arrived and took over the security of the city.  He still must deal with the outsiders that are making the protests, especially after dark, a challenge for the officers working this incident.

The police have been accused of being heavy-handed by using tear gas, armored vehicles and other protective gear.  Admittedly, it is reminiscent  of the protests and riots of the 60’s.  The police have a right to protect themselves as well.  They have been shot at, had Molotov cocktails and objects thrown at them.  The 2% in the crowd of protesters are the ones attempting to draw out the aggressiveness of the law enforcement officers trying to protect the other 98%.  The armored vehicles that people are claiming make the police look to militarized are necessary to protect the police that are attempting to protect the people of Ferguson, MO.  Now the Missouri National Guard is being deployed to the area, the real military with real military equipment, all because a few ‘bad actors’ that 2% wanted to turn this into a dangerous situation instead of a peaceful protest.

What is the solution out of this mess?  Communication and negotiation is key.  People have to let the justice system work, let the investigation be completed.  None of this will happen overnight.  Patience on the part of the people of Ferguson, MO is paramount.  As for the other issues that have been brought forward due to this incident those have to be handled through talking with city and state officials and not violence.  Until peace is returned to Ferguson, MO nothing else will be fixed.  The citizens of Ferguson, MO and the country deserve answers and justice but the violence must stop before that can happen.

Why I Volunteer

U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Public Affiars Prog...

I have had several friends ask me about my participation in the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary.  Why do I do it?  What’s in it for me?  To me I thought the answers to those questions were obvious.  It all started just after the events of 9/11.  I was sitting at home, then in Chicago, trying to figure out what I could do to help.  As a former United States Marine I was furious and felt helpless.  I considered the possibility of trying to go back to active duty but that was not realistic at that point in my life.  I started to look at organizations on-line such as the Red Cross but they did not meet my needs.  I then stumbled on to the Coast Guard Auxiliary.  I ended up going to a meeting of one of the local Flotilla’s in Chicago.  I found out that they perform duties more than just boating safety classes.

The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary is the uniformed, all-volunteer component of the United States Coast Guard. The Auxiliary was created by an Act of Congress in 1939, and has grown to over 32,000 members who daily support the Coast Guard in all its non-military, and non-law-enforcement missions. We have members and units in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and Guam.

Auxiliary members conduct safety patrols on local waterways and assist in Search and Rescue with boats and aircraft, teach boating safety classes, conduct free vessel safety checks for the public, provide boating safety literature to dealers, as well as many other activities related to recreational boating safety.

Many of the members were former military.  It felt like the right place to be to help my community and my country.  Even though it is a civilian arm of the Coast Guard it has the same military structure and pride of belonging.  I found a sense of belonging from the beginning so I decided this was what I needed to do.  I am now with Flotilla 25, located on Lake Hartwell, SC and GA.  I am currently the Flotilla Staff Officer for Public Affairs (FSO-PA) and a Admissions Partner for the United States Coast Guard Academy.

The bottom line is that I think we all have a calling in our lives and mine is to serve my community and country in anyway that I can which is why I choose to be a Police Officer and a member of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary.


Happy Birthday America

The Spirit of '76 by Archibald MacNeal Willard.

As we celebrate the 4th of July of 2014 I wanted to wish everyone a safe and sane holiday weekend.  I also wanted to remind everyone out there that while you are celebrating the birthday of our great country please remember the men and women that are working to maintain your comfort and safety both here and abroad.  It is sometimes to easy to forget those that are working 24/7 to allow us to have these fun celebrations.  Take the time to thank a veteran for their service, a firefighter, a police officer, and EMT or any of our active duty and reserve military that are always on call.  Our country is full of people who work and volunteer to keep us safe everyday.  We are a nation of people who, despite our differences, have always come together in times of need to help one another.  Politics and religion aside, thank a stranger for their contribution to this country no matter what their job, their political view, their religious belief , their color or sexual preference because we ALL make up this great country of ours one person at a time.  Happy 4th of July!

Memorial Day 2014

Gallabrae, Royal Highland Fusiliers

Gallabrae, Royal Highland Fusiliers (Photo credit: JA SC)

This past weekend was the Memorial Day Holiday weekend.  I had the pleasure of working through the weekend.  I say pleasure because I worked the Gallabrae Highland Games that were held at Furman University on May 24, 2014.  The games were  a celebration of the Scottish heritage as well as a celebration of Memorial Day.  The opening ceremonies for the games were a colorful parade of all the military service color guards, the parade of the Tartans and include a detachment of the Royal Highland Fusiliers.  There were veterans from every military branch in attendance.  I was able to meet some real ‘Hero’s’ during this event.  It made me remember what this Memorial Day holiday was all about. to remember those that served and made the ultimate sacrifice.





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It’s All About The Training

English: Seal of the United States Department ...

A comment was made to earlier this year, “don’t you think you are a little old to still be a cop”.  I let it roll by me but I did think about the words over the past few months.  A couple of weeks ago I had the chance to go through Active Shooter Training at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center at North Charleston, South Carolina.  The training was very intense and very physical and I was the oldest in the class.  Each night I could feel the muscle aches but each morning I was ready to start the training again.  Admittedly, I am not in the same shape as I was while serving in the United States Marine Corps but I am still willing and able to complete training that keeps me at the top of my profession, a Law Enforcement Officer.  I have always had this internal need to serve people, to defend my country and to give back for what I have received in my life.  As long as I can continue to do this I will work each day.  The training is my gauge, the way to look at what I am still able to do safely, for myself and others.  I am always up for the challenge that faces me each day and I am always aware of my limits.



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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2013

christmas 2007


2013 is almost history.  Another year has flown by and I was sitting here wondering were the time went, what did I learn this year and what do I think 2014 will bring.  First, I want to wish everyone a Good Christmas!  For some this will be easy and for others not so easy.  It seems we throw the Merry Christmas phrase out, sometimes forgetting that not everyone does have a Merry Christmas.  I know that is not always a given to have a Merry Christmas so my hope is that you will have a Christmas that is filled with hope and promise.  For myself I will be working, which is not a bad thing.  I always enjoy working the holidays for some reason.


The year 2013 was a good year overall for me.  I settled into my new job at the Furman University Police Department and settled into my new home.  I had a good year at work and received some great advanced training through work.  I was able to meet some great officers from other agencies.  I found myself re-connecting with some past military friends and people I grew up with.


I am hoping that the New Year will bring further growth in my job and personal life.


Thanksgiving Day 2013

English: Saying grace before carving the turke...

I wanted to take some time to wish all my friends and family a Happy Thanksgiving.  I am Thankful for so many things this year.  I am thankful to have good health, a great job with great people, a roof over mine and the kitties heads, food on my table and most of all the many friends that I have made from around the world.  I am also very thankful for the honor of serving my country and to be able to continue to serve my community.

New(er) Car Time

1375293_772107363774_1294164881_n 1380771_772107338824_1387191646_nAs much as I wish I did not have to buy anther car it finally was time.  My 2002 Chevrolet Impala finally let me know that it was time to go.  I had it fixed but there were still some serious electrical issues remaining that I did feel I wanted to sink an unknown amount of money into.  I shopped around, already knowing I was going to look for a newer used car.  I test drove several vehicles ranging from small economy cars, SUV’s, a Mustang (I just did not feel cool enough to own a Mustang) and finally decided on a very well maintained and clean 2004 Mercury Grand Marquis GS.  I just felt very comfortable in it and it felt very much like me.  I’m sure spending many years in a Chevrolet Crown Victoria patrol car had a lot to do with it.  I guess I have officially entered the ‘old guy” car stage but I like it and it really drives well.  I did not but this car out of a ‘mid-life crisis’.  Whoever that one owner from Dayton, Ohio was took very good care of it and maintained the vehicle maintenance records very well.

Fall Season

Bell Tower, Furman University, Greenville, Sou...

Bell Tower, Furman University, Greenville, South Carolina, USA. View of tower. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Nothing exciting here, just beautiful Fall weather settling in here in the Upstate of South Carolina.  Yesterday was when I really felt it was here.  I worked the Furman University Football Game in the afternoon.  The weather was cloudy with a little rain but then it cleared up to a wonderful cool. crisp night just in time for the Men’s Soccer game.  A full bright moon rose up during the game and the cool turned to cold during the game.  This is the time of year I like best.  The crispness in the air and the changes in natures backdrop.  On the campus of Furman University is one of the best places to experience this with its 750 acres of tree covered landscape, beautiful lake and mountain views.  I worked 13 hours yesterday but came home feeling relaxed and refreshed and ready for another day at work today.  Even though Fall is looked as the end of things I find it to be the souls renewal.  If you have not had a chance to get out a just look you should do it soon before the Fall season is gone.  Oh,and yes Furman won both of the games which just made it an even more perfect day at work!